For Business Owners Who Are Tired Of "Trying" And Still Not Achieving The Level Of Success They Deserve...

For Business Owners Who Are Tired Of "Trying" And Still Not Achieving The Level Of Success They Deserve...

The Greatest Opportunity Of A Life Time...

Your Life Could Change In 2024...

And I’m Personally Inviting You To Make It Happen!

Join A Small Group Of Elite Business Owners TODAY... And Finally Create The

Life, Freedom, And Wealth You’ve Dreamed Of!

It’s All Yours Right Here For The Low

One-Time Price Of… Just $997!

(Normally $3997)

That’s Over 75% Off!

The Greatest Opportunity

Of A Life Time...

Your Life Could Change

In 2024...

And I’m Personally Inviting You

To Make It Happen!

Join A Small Group Of Elite Business Owners TODAY... And Finally Create The Life, Freedom, And Wealth You’ve Dreamed Of!

It’s All Yours Right Here For The Low

One-Time Price Of… Just $997!

(Normally $3997)

That’s Over 75% Off!

Limited Spots Available 

If You Want To Rapidly and predictably automate your business by learning the secrets from someone

who’s actually done it for themselves...

Then This Elite Summit Is For You!

Limited Spots Available 

If You Want To Rapidly and predictably automate your business by learning the secrets from someone who’s actually done it for themselves...

Then This Elite Summit Is For You!

What Is the 

2 Day Takeoff? 

As you probably saw from the awesome video above, the 2 Day Takeoff Summit is an elite mastermind for like-minded business owners who are tired of working overtime and are ready to cut themselves their own hefty paycheck... and living the way they’ve always wanted. Doing what

they want, where they want, with who they want. 

And I Want You To Be On That Path Too!

What Is the 

2 Day Takeoff? 

As you probably saw from the awesome video above, the 2 Day Takeoff Summit is an elite mastermind for like-minded business owners who are tired of working overtime and are ready to cut themselves their own hefty paycheque... and living the way they’ve always wanted. Doing what they want, where they want, with who they want. 

And I Want You To Be

On That Path Too!

The 2 Day Takeoff Summit 

Was Created For Two Reasons

Planes never fly without a flight plan.

And it's the same in business:

If you fail to plan, you've planned to fail.

Here's What You'll Learn:

  • Your Business Autopilot Plan - so you can have a clear direction and step by step guide to follow to get your business running without you

  • Marketing - marketing is what makes the phone ring

  • Sales - sales is who answers the phone, once you have a system to turn leads into money without you being involved, you will truely be free

If you don't have a final destination, you'll just end up going in circles. That makes progress truly impossible.

Go from flying the plane to owning the airline: apply the right systems and measurement tools to your operations and watch your business take off!

Learn how to:

  • Create your “Business Dance” - what has to happen for your business to run as smoothly as a tango while you’re not looking

  • Scale - if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Last I checked, a dying business will not set you free

  • Leadership & Culture - It’s one thing to have the team. But people lose hope without a future, it’s the leader’s job to create the compelling future.

The 2 Day Takeoff Summit 

Was Created For

Two Reasons

Planes never fly without a flight plan.

And it's the same in business:

If you fail to plan, you've planned to fail.


  • Your Business Autopilot Plan - so you can have a clear direction and step by step guide to follow to get your business running without you

  • Marketing - marketing is what makes the phone ring.

  • Sales - sales is who answers the phone, once you have a system to turn leads into money without you being involved, you will be free

If you don't have a final destination, you'll just end up going in circles. That makes progress truly impossible.

Go from flying the plane to owning the airline: apply the right systems and measurement tools to your operations and watch your business take off!

Learn how to:

  • Create your “Business Dance” - what has to happen for your business to run as smoothly as a tango while you’re not looking

  • Scale - if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Last I checked, a dying business will not set you free

  • Leadership & Culture - It’s one thing to have the team. But people lose hope without a future, it’s the leader’s job to create the compelling future.

Even If Right Now, You Can’t Say You 100% Believe In Yourself...

It’s OK.

We have all been there at one point, too... and that‘s why I created the Take-Off Summit: it‘s for a group of hardcore business owners that are willing to do what it takes to cross the finish line.

Even If Right Now,

You Can’t Say You

100% Believe In Yourself...

It’s OK.

We have all been there at one point, too... and that‘s why I created the Take-Off Summit: it‘s for a group of hardcore business owners that are willing to do what it takes to cross the finish line.

Here's Why You Won't Want To Miss

The 2 Day Takeoff Summit...

Getting on the Right Track

A journey without a destination leads to dead ends, and business is no exception. Set your destination and start blazing the trail to success! Make the switch from surviving to truly thriving!

Cracking the Growth Code

Get ready to banish self-doubt for good! The 2 Day Takeoff will give you the exact tools you need to confidently take the reins and navigate anything life might throw at you and your business.

Achieving More with Less

Your time and money are precious. At the 2 Day Takeoff, we'll reveal the secret to fast and affordable growth so you can make the most of every minute and every dollar.

Here's Why You Won't

Want To Miss

The 2 Day Takeoff Summit...

Getting on the Right Track

A journey without a destination leads to dead ends, and business is no exception. Set your destination and start blazing the trail to success! Make the switch from surviving to truly thriving!

Cracking the Growth Code

Get ready to banish self-doubt for good! The 2 Day Takeoff will give you the exact tools you need to confidently take the reins and navigate anything life might throw at you and your business.

Achieving More with Less

Your time and money are precious. At the 2 Day Takeoff, we'll reveal the secret to fast and affordable growth so you can make the most of every minute and every dollar.

Don't Just Take My Word For It...

Here's What Others Have To Say About

The 2 Day Takeoff Summit...

Don't Just Take My Word For It...

Here's What Others Have

To Say About The 2-Day Take-Off Summit...

Additionally, When You’re Part Of This Summit Family, 

Not Only Do We All Study Hard, Automate Businesses Together, and Grow Our Profits

So We Can Make More And Work Less...

...but we also share incredible, bonding experiences where we can connect, network, and create long-lasting relationships!

Relationships are the KEY to a thriving business...

And Every Month, 

We Hand Select Amazing Destinations That Are Beautiful, Memorable, And Enjoyable For Everyone!

Additionally, When You’re Part Of This Summit Family, 

Not Only Do We All Study Hard, Automate Businesses Together, and Grow Our Profits

So We Can Make More And Work Less...

...but we also share incredible, bonding experiences where we can connect, network, and create long-lasting relationships!

Relationships are the KEY

to a thriving business...

And Every Month, 

We Hand Select Amazing Destinations That Are Beautiful, Memorable, And Enjoyable For Everyone!

When You Are A Part Of The Takeoff Family.

We Not Only Mastermind, We Also Form Long

Lasting Relationships, Connections, And
Memories Together

Here's A Glimpse At Some Of The BONUSES You'll Receive When You Attend The
2-Day Takeoff Summit


($9,997 VALUE)

2 Day Takeoff Summit Ticket ($9,997 value)

Your FastPass To Success!

Embark on a transformative journey with our 2 Day Takeoff Business Summit, where you'll be immersed in cutting-edge strategies to propel your business forward.

This intensive workshop is filled with actionable insights, allowing you to network with industry experts and like-minded entrepreneurs. Dive deep into the realm of business automation, scalability, and operational efficiency, setting the stage for unprecedented growth and freedom.


($497 VALUE)

Org Chart Mastery ($497 value)

Never Question Your Organization's Workflow Ever Again!

Discover the art and science of designing the perfect organizational structure with our Org Chart Mastery. This invaluable resource will guide you in creating a clear, efficient, and scalable organizational chart that aligns with your business goals.

Learn how to define roles, responsibilities, and reporting lines, ensuring everyone is working cohesively towards the same vision. This clarity and structure are essential for growth and freeing up your time as a leader.


($997 VALUE)

"A" Player Hiring Guide ($997 value)

Hire With Confidence!

Attract and retain top talent with our "A" Team Hiring Guide. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions on finding, hiring, and onboarding the right people who will drive your business forward.

Learn how to craft compelling job descriptions, conduct effective interviews, and create an environment that nurtures high performers. With this guide, you'll build a team that's as committed to your business's success as you are.


($1,997 VALUE)

VA Placement Manual ($1,997 value)

Uncover The Power Of Virtual Assistant's True Potential!

Unlock the full potential of virtual assistance with our VA Placement Manual. This detailed manual is your roadmap to finding, hiring, and effectively managing virtual assistants to handle various tasks in your business.

Learn how to delegate effectively, communicate your needs clearly, and build a remote team that adds value and efficiency to your operations. Free up your time and focus on strategic growth while your VAs take care of the day-to-day.


($1,497 VALUE)

One-On-One Call With Steve ($1,497 value)

Ask Steve The Burning Questions You've Been Waiting To Have Answered!

Get gold-standard advice designed specifically for you, plus insider secrets that no one else will tell you, straight from the expert!

Steve has over a decade of experience in growing businesses and coaching entrepreneurs. He'll teach you exactly what you need to do to guide your business to its destination.

And he's got a great sense of humour!


30 DAY ACCESS ($4,997)

Business Owners Academy 30 Day Access ($4,997)

The Only Online Academy Every Business Owner Needs!

Gain exclusive 30-day access to the Business Owner Academy, a treasure trove of resources, training, and support designed for entrepreneurs like you. Dive into a comprehensive library of content covering various aspects of business management and growth.

Learn from others' experiences, and get ongoing support as you implement new strategies. This academy is your ongoing resource for continuous improvement and networking.

When You Are A Part Of The Takeoff Family.

We Not Only Mastermind, We Also Form Long Lasting Relationships, Connections, And
Memories Together

Here's A Glimpse At Some Of The BONUSES You'll Receive When You Attend The 2-Day Takeoff Summit

2 Day Takeoff Summit

Ticket ($9,997 value)

Your FastPass To Success!

Embark on a transformative journey with our 2 Day Takeoff Business Summit, where you'll be immersed in cutting-edge strategies to propel your business forward.

This intensive workshop is filled with actionable insights, allowing you to network with industry experts and like-minded entrepreneurs. Dive deep into the realms of business automation, scalability, and operational efficiency, setting the stage for unprecedented growth and freedom.

Org Chart Mastery

($497 value)

Never Question Your Organization's Workflow Ever Again!

Discover the art and science of designing the perfect organizational structure with our Org Chart Mastery. This invaluable resource will guide you in creating a clear, efficient, and scalable organizational chart that aligns with your business goals.

Learn how to define roles, responsibilities, and reporting lines, ensuring everyone is working cohesively towards the same vision. This clarity and structure are essential for growth and freeing up your time as a leader.

"A" Player Hiring Guide

($997 value)

Hire With Confidence!

Attract and retain top talent with our "A" Team Hiring Guide. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions on finding, hiring, and onboarding the right people who will drive your business forward.

Learn how to craft compelling job descriptions, conduct effective interviews, and create an environment that nurtures high performers. With this guide, you'll build a team that's as committed to your business's success as you are.

VA Placement Manual

($1,997 value)

Uncover The Power Of Virtual

Assistant's True Potential!

Unlock the full potential of virtual assistance with our VA Placement Manual. This detailed manual is your roadmap to finding, hiring, and effectively managing virtual assistants to handle various tasks in your business.

Learn how to delegate effectively, communicate your needs clearly, and build a remote team that adds value and efficiency to your operations. Free up your time and focus on strategic growth while your VAs take care of the day-to-day.

One-On-One Call With Steve ($1,497 value)

Ask Steve The Burning Questions You've Been Waiting To Have Answered!

Get gold-standard advice designed specifically for you, plus insider secrets

that no one else will tell you, straight

from the expert!

Steve has over a decade of experience in growing businesses and coaching entrepreneurs. He'll teach you exactly

what you need to do to guide your

business to its destination.

And he's got a great sense of humour!

Business Owners

Academy 30 Day Access


The Only Online Academy Every

Business Owner Needs!

Gain exclusive 30-day access to the Business Owner Academy, a treasure trove of resources, training, and support designed for entrepreneurs like you. Dive into a comprehensive library of content covering various aspects of business management and growth.

Learn from others' experiences, and get ongoing support as you implement new strategies. This academy is your ongoing resource for continuous improvement

and networking.

The 2 Day Takeoff Summit

Is The Ultimate Gold Mine of Proven Strategies for Business Growth

Is The Ultimate Gold Mine of Proven Strategies for Business Growth

  • No more late nights or long weeks...

  • No more putting out fires and double checking everybody else's work for them...

  • And no more wishing and waiting and hoping for the success you deserve!

Now’s Your Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To MAKE IT HAPPEN.

This is the way,

THIS Is The Only Way To Get Your Business On Autopilot

And Reach The Level Of Success In Your Business And Life You Want...”

I Really Mean It.

I have tested, tried, and seen first hand NUMEROUS other paths...

including the most treacherous ones with every money, time, and effort “pitfall” you can imagine. 

And now, YOU can become THAT someone who walks through your vacation home, with no fear, knowing your business is running, profiting, and growing, without you. 

I’m literally showing you the path 

All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other... and apply now to join the 2 Day Takeoff Summit today!

The 2 Day Takeoff Summit

Is The Ultimate Gold Mine of Proven Strategies for Business Growth

  • No more late nights or long weeks...

  • No more putting out fires and double checking everybody else's work for them...

  • And no more wishing and waiting and hoping for the success you deserve!

Now’s Your Once-In-A-
Lifetime Opportunity To

This is the way,

THIS Is The Only Way To Get Your Business On Autopilot

And Reach The Level Of Success In Your Business And Life You Want...”

I Really Mean It.

I have tested, tried, and seen first hand NUMEROUS other paths...

including the most treacherous ones with every money, time, and effort “pitfall” you can imagine. 

And now, YOU can become THAT someone who walks through your vacation home, with no fear, knowing your business is running, profiting, and growing, without you. 

I’m literally showing you the path 

All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other... and apply now to join the 2 Day Takeoff Summit today!

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